On July 21, 2023, Galaxy One was officially granted ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013 by the international accreditation organization JAS – ANZ on Information Security Management System (ISMS). The system is evaluated by Certification Partner Global (CPG) – Australia’s leading ISO assessment organization.
ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013 certification affirms that Galaxy One is fully capable of ensuring information security and safety in IT infrastructure provision, security services, data services, software products development and implementation. Galaxy One is committed to following best information security practices, building a safe and secure operating environment.
Complying with ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013 standard brings benefits to Galaxy One’s business: enhances information security, detects information insecurity risks early to take preventive and remedial measures. In addition, the ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013 certificate also affirms Galaxy One’s reputation and commitment to information security, helping to enhance the company’s image in the eyes of customers and partners.
The assessment was conducted within 3 months in almost all departments of Galaxy One. The contents of the assessment are related to the management of assets and information security equipment, information data storage, document control, physical safety of the workplace, terms of confidentiality commitments with customers, partners and suppliers, a business continuity response plan. Accordingly, Galaxy One not only meets the requirements of data and information technology infrastructure, but also ensures information security in all stages of operation to eliminate and minimize risks for customers.